Air Source Heat Pump Grants Available

Qualify For FREE Air Source Heat Pump Grants

You could qualify for a FREE £5,000 Grant for an Air Source Heat Pump

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Why Redeem Your Air Source Heat Pump Funding

Renewable energy for years to come

Reduce energy costs

Improve your home heating system

What is an air source heat pump?

An air source heat pump is a form of renewable energy technology that can save you money on heating bills in the long-term. The system allows you to produce your own energy by moving outside heat inside. 

Unlike the majority of residential heating systems, which either burn fuel or convert electricity into heat, it does not generate heat itself. Instead, an air source heat pump moves outside heat into your home where it creates warmer indoor temperatures. Hence, the overall process is more efficient as they take in more heat energy than the electrical energy they consume. Therefore, an air source heat pump system will usually be less expensive to run than a traditional heating system.

Air source heat pumps look quite similar to air-conditioning units. Their size will be dependent on how much heat they will need to produce for your home, the more heat you need, the larger the heat pump. The two main types of air source heat pumps are air-to-water and air-to-air. They operate in different ways and are more suitable for different types of heating systems.

Air-to-water heat pumps are typically more common and qualify for the government’s Renewable Heat Incentive, which could contribute to eligible homeowners in England, Scotland, and Wales towards the cost of renewable heating for their properties.

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How does an air source heat pump work?

Air source heat pumps work by taking heat from the air and raising it to a higher temperature using a compressor. It then transfers the heat to the heating system within your home, working sort of like a fridge in reverse. Let’s look at a breakdown of steps for a closer look at how the heat pump works.

1) The heat pump absorbs outside heat from the air into a liquid refrigerant at a low temperature.

2) By using electricity, the pump then presses the liquid to increase its temperature. Then it is condensed back into a liquid to let out the heat it has stored.

3) Heat is sent to your radiators or underfloor heating if you have it. The rest is kept in your hot water cylinder.

4) The stored hot water can be used for showers, baths, and taps.

Even though the pump uses electricity to operate, it should use less than the heat it produces, and they work at all temperatures, even well below zero.

How much can you save with an air source heat pump?

Air source heat pump systems need electricity to work like most heating systems, but they use significantly less energy than they produce. The exact amount of savings you can make will depend on a range of factors such as the heat pump set up, the type of heating system the heat pump has replaced, the electricity tariff, and the costs of the fuel that you are replacing. Your location and the average air temperatures throughout the year can also be contributing factors to your savings.

If you are eligible for a grant that will cover or subsidise the cost of an air source heat pump installation, you could be making the first step towards saving several hundreds of pounds or more a year on your annual energy bills.

Whilst there is no way to provide an exact savings amount for each individual home, we can see some general estimations. Based on figures and energy prices from March 2022 provided by the Energy Saving Trust, it is estimated that you could save up to £1,410 a year by replacing an old and inefficient boiler with an air source heat pump. This amount shows the potential annual savings of installing a normal air source heat pump in a standard size, four-bedroom detached home compared to an old (G-rated) LPG boiler.

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  • Save on your energy bills
  • Improve your homes heating
  • Reduce your carbon footprint

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What about the installation of your new air source heat pump?

Air source heat pumps are normally positioned outdoors to the side or at the back of a property, as they need a lot of space around them for air to circulate. Inside your home, you will typically have a unit containing pumps and hot water, but it is often smaller than a standard boiler. They are quite simple to install and less disruptive than ground source heat pumps because they don’t require any digging in your garden.

Prior to applying for a grant for a heat pump you should check whether or not you will first need planning permission. If you live in a listed building, then you will typically need the consent of your local authority. Also, make sure that your installation will meet the building regulations in your area.

When you opt for an air source heat pump, it will be beneficial to make sure that your home is well-insulated so that it can retain the heat. Underfloor heating or bigger radiators can be fitted alongside your heat pump to spread and maintain the heat more efficiently. When your system is fully installed, you should get a Commissioning Certificate and an MCS installation certificate once the pump has been registered in order to qualify for funding from air source heat pump grants in 2021.

What are the advantages of air source heat pumps?

An air source heat pump can offer a wide range of advantages to homeowners, these include:

  •       High energy efficiency as they produce less CO2 than most conventional heating systems
  •       Less disruptive to install which is especially useful if you are retrofitting the pump
  •       You will receive payments through the RHI if you qualify for a grant
  •       You could save a lot of money on your heating in comparison to older systems
  •       They are low maintenance and have a long service life
  •       Minimal noise levels

  • Save on your energy bills

  • Improve your homes heating

  • Reduce your carbon footprint

Air source heat pump FAQs

Can I get a grant for an air source heat pump?

Yes, there are a number of government grants and schemes available that will cover the installation of an air source heat pump in qualifying households. One example is the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS). This initiative launched in May 2022 and is designed to encourage more people across England and Wales to install low carbon heating systems like heat pumps. BUS funding could see eligible people paying £5,000 less on their air source heat pump installation.

Who is eligible for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme?

The Boiler Upgrade Scheme is open to homeowners and small businesses in England and Wales. In order to apply, you should own your property, the property should have an installation capacity of up to 45kWh, and you should have a valid Energy Performance Certificate (EPC).

It is important to note that your EPC must not have any recommendations outstanding for cavity wall or loft insulation.

Are air source heat pumps truly efficient?

An air source heat pump is effective in lowering your carbon footprint as it uses a natural, endless source of heat – air. The amount of CO2 you can save will depend on the fuel that you are replacing. For example, you will save more if you are replacing coal or an oil boiler rather than natural gas. A heat pump needs a power source, normally electricity, to power it, so there will still be some lasting CO2 emissions.

To get the most from your pump, you will need to know how to use it most effectively. You will likely need to set your heating to come on for longer than with a traditional system.

Heat pumps are required to have an energy label on them stating how energy efficient the pump is on a scale ranging from dark green (most efficient) to red (least efficient). Also, all pumps that are certified by the Microgeneration Certification Scheme must have a product label on when sold, as well as a package label. If your heat pump does not have a product label, it might not be eligible for the Renewable Heat Incentive.

Is my home right for an air source heat pump?

Heat pump systems don’t depend on any specific weather conditions, so where you live won’t have an impact on whether you can get an air source heat pump. The type of house you have, and your heating system are more key factors. Air source heat pumps heat water to a lower temperature than fossil fuel boilers, meaning they are particularly well-suited to heating insulated homes with underfloor heating, or where there are big radiators that function at low temperatures. However, systems can sometimes be installed without these, it will depend on your individual property and circumstances.

How long does it take to install an air source heat pump?

There can be a few factors that influence how long it will take to install your new air source heat pump. However, typically for a newly built home, the heat pump can be installed within a couple of days. For a refurbished property, it will come down to whether your radiators will also need replacing, if your water cylinder will need re-siting, where the outside box will be fitted etc.

Also, it will depend on whether you are fully replacing the existing heating system or just adding an air source heat pump to work with your current heating in a hybrid solution, which a lot of people are doing before completely changing to a heat pump. By doing this you will get a pretty straightforward way of adding renewable heating (that can still qualify for the RHI) whilst also minimising the work that is needed.


Contact us now to find out if you can qualify for an air source heat pump grant. We can arrange the application process for you and provide you with a full end-to-end service, making it as easy as possible for you. You could make some impressive savings on your bills that you won’t want to miss out on, receive payments over seven years, and become more environmentally friendly by adding an air source heat pump to your home. 

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